Academic misconduct is a common phenomenon in educational institutions, but not much is known about the institution’s procedure for such cases. Although one can get ample information from the student’s handbook, which clearly states all the policies and procedures in detail, this article will help a student get a quick and brief overview of the entire procedure that one must know before hiring an education lawyer for misconduct.
The Responsibility Of The Instructor:
If the instructor suspects any academic misconduct, the student is immediately notified regarding the disciplinary violations, followed by a discussion about the incident. If the instructor finds that no allegations are not true, then no further action will be taken against the student. But suppose one perceives academic misconduct and the need to impose a penalty. In that case, the matter will be reported to the higher authority, generally to the Office Of Student Conduct And Conflict Resolution, with all the relevant evidence.
Document Review:
Upon an academic misconduct report, the conflict resolution facilitator will review the document thoroughly and organize a meeting with the student and the instructor if the necessity arises. This is followed by a process of determination. If it is found that the accusation can’t be substantiated well, no action will be taken further. But if the student accepts the responsibility of a disciplinary violation and this is well substantiated, the facilitator will accept or make necessary adjustments to the instructor’s recommendation.
Suppose the facilitator finds the accusations true after going through all the evidence and case findings, but the student is reluctant to accept the responsibility concerning the disciplinary violation. In that case, the matter will be forwarded for hearing. If the student has been found guilty in a hearing, then strict disciplinary actions might be taken against the student, leading to suspension or expulsion.
However, suppose the educational institution allows the submission of an appeal on the part of the student. In that case, one can appeal the suspension or dismissal with the help of an attorney. An appeal is a request for reconsideration of the dismissal or expulsion decision.
Final Thoughts:
The appeal might be accepted or rejected by the authority. If accepted, the student will be given a chance to present their story, and an advisor will be allowed to support the student. Therefore to ensure a better case outcome, one must hire an experienced attorney with vast knowledge of academic hearings.