What if the future of work, and the quality of work that’s done, is instead decided by your interactions with others? What if you are working towards a more collaborative 220mkonradforbes work culture rather than rigid processes? While there are many potential benefits to this change, such as increased productivity and team confidence, there’s a downside as well. Becoming a self-managed team may be the best way to get from point A to B, but it can be challenging for some teams. This series illustrates how a project Rebirth: The New Work Culture can be helped by collaborating with another team member who is also part owner. This combination of roles is called a “reborn team” and it will do everything from create new tasks and processes to implementing new projects.
What is a Rebirth team?
A Rebirth team is the next step after a traditional work culture. In a Rebirth team, each employee is involved in a number of different roles, such as leading project management, developing new products and services, contributing to the company website, etc. The partners who co-own a company can’t both be owners and employees. Instead, they can’t have more than 50% ownership in the company. The owners can’t be employees but can be members of the company management team or other company executives. The owners can still be involved in day-to-day operations but must follow a more hands-off approach than in a traditional work culture.
Why expand teaming with another employee?
One of the most common reasons why teams expand is to create new tasks and processes. These new processes and tasks will help the team stay organized and reduce duplication of effort. Collaboration is key and there’s no sense in wasting time creating new assignments and tasks when there’s no chance of completion. Another common reason to collaborate is to help expand the company’s horizons. For example, if the marketing team is working on a new product and is looking for additional assistance, they can speak to the team at the feature and UX/UI design stage about their project. If one of the other team members is also a marketing pro, the other can request help on a project-by-project basis.
Why provide a space for collaboration instead of being on your own?
A collaborative workplace is better for everyone. Not only does it allow for more creative expression and communication, but it also promotes trust and respect for others’ roles. You will spend more time working with others in a collaborative space as there will be no need for you to speak up or take risks if you don’t want to. You may also want to consider setting up an environment where you can actively contribute to the growth of the company. If you prefer to be on your own, you can always choose to work remotely, but there’s no sense in being too hard on yourself if you want to continue to work on projects and maintain your job security.
Adopt an ownership dynamic
In a traditional work culture, the company owner is completely in charge of the entire organization. In a collaborative work environment, the team members are more than just employees. They are partners in the company and have a responsibility to make sure that the mission of the company is met. This might sound simple, but it can often feel very lonely in a team-based organization where there’s no one else to ask for help. And when someone asks for help, you may feel queasy at first because you don’t know how to respond. Then, once you get used to the idea of working with others on a task or project, you’ll likely find it much easier to ask for help.
The future of work is certainly in the air. If we want to keep doing the work we love, then we need to be able to collaborate and work with others. However, to thrive in this new work culture, we must be willing to put in the effort and be willing to share the results. This series of posts has help you get a better understanding of why work is so important and what a Rebirth spicecinemas team can do to help make work more creative, transparent, and collaborative.